Zimbabwe - 2018 (30th April - 6th May 2018)
A class of small children visited Antelope Park. They were from Another town about 200 kilometres away. I engaged with them for a bit and introduced them to Liam the mascot of Champions For Children. They loved him and enjoyed the short story about his life and how he became to be our mascot ( see pic ) After that Liam decided he was going to have the day off and just relax by the pool (see pic).
I went with Yvonne to see the pride of Lions we have in the 500 acre enclosure that we call Ngamo. Yvonne does all the lion research here. What she does not know about Lions is not worth knowing. It was good to see the pride again led by Milo who is now 15 years old. ( see pic) low light so quality of pic is poor.
The Rotary Club of Gweru installed 2 new members this week ( see pics). It is good to see the club growing. They need desperately more members. They are such a small club but are so committed. They really are worthy of the Rotary motto “Service above self”
On Saturday I organised a Braai () at the Antelope Park garden site. I bought 30 kgs of chickens and juice which was supplemented by rice and sadza given by MCHC. There were 60 people there including all the boys home children. The staff of MCHC and their children were there as well as representatives from Gweru Rotary Club and staff from Midlands State University including the Director of Agricultural Practices and the Director of Work Related Learning. 20 students from MSU who are members of Enactus came to work and help clear the garden. Enactus is an international youth organisation that assist with community projects throughout the world. Representatives of this group were in the UK last year at the International competition where various clubs throughout the world showcase their projects. This group made the semifinals and although they did not win they made top 8 clubs in the world with their vertical gardening project. (See all pics of event)